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A Case of 19 year old Male

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his /her/guradian's consent.
This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs in the comment box below.

Date of admission: 08/02/2022

A 19 year old male , student by profession came to OPD with 
Chief complaints of 
•Pain in abdomen since 3 days 
•Vomiting 2 episodes since 3 days 
•Loose stools since 3 days, 5 to 6 episodes per day 

History of presenting illness:
•Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back, then he developed lower abdominal pain, sudden in onset, continous colicky in nature and radiating to left lower abdomen, aggravating pain before defecation associated with 2 episodes of vomiting, non bilious, non projectile, food as content 

•H/O loose stools since 3 days ,5 to 6 times per day ( watery stools )

•H/O fever 1 episode associated with chills and rigor after which he went to local hospital for above complaints where conservative management was done 

•H/O of intake of Mutton in function 3 days back 

•No history of similar complaints in the past 

History of past illness:
•No history of DM/Hypertension/ Asthma/TB/CVA/CKD/Thyroid 

Personal History: 
•Diet: mixed 
•Appetite: normal
•Sleep: normal
•Bowel: diarrhea (last episode was around 10 am and stopped after medications)
•Bladder: normal 
▪︎Patient has history of occasional consumption of toddy since young age  (around 2 glasses of disposable glass)

▪︎Consumes during festivals

▪︎Last consumption was on 4th February (one glass of disposable glass)

Family history:
No relevant history 

General Examination:
•Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative
•No pallor,icterus,cyanosis,clubbing,
koilonychia, lymphadenopathy and pedal edema 

•Pulse rate :115 bpm
•BP:110/70 mmhg 
•Temperature: Afebrile 

Systemic Examination: 
S1,S2 heard
No Murmurs or thrills 

□Respiratory system:
•NVBS- present 
•BAE- present 

Patient is conscious, coherent and orients to time, place and person  

□Per abdomen:
•Obese abdomen 
•Umbilicus is central and inverted 
•No engorged veins, scars seen 
•No visible pulsations 

•Mild tenderness at left iliac fossa 
•No hepatosplenomegaly

•No free fluid 

•Bowel sounds heard 
Clinical images:

Provisional diagnosis: 
Acute gastroenteritis? Viral hepatitis


              Ultra sound (Abdomen)
Day 1 
1)Inj.PAN 40 mg iv
2)Inj.Zofer 4 mg iv 
3)IV fluids -NS and RL 70ml/hr 

Day 2 
Tenderness decreased at left iliac fossa when compared to yesterday 

Patient is conscious, cohesive and coherent.
PR: 82 BPM
BP: 110/ 70 mmhg
P/A: Tenderness decreased at left iliac fossa 


1) Inj. PAN 40 mg  iv
2) Inj. ZOFER 4 mg  iv
3) iv fluids  - NS and RL 70 ml/hr.


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